I really have been neglecting my sassy little Bella's so I just had to pull out my cupcakeabella! Isn't she so cute and sweet sittin on that cupcake? The paper is by MME. My favorite thing on this card (aside from Ms. Bella herself) is that RIBBON! It's Martha Stewart and that COLOR just matched PERfecTLY! I *LOVE* when that happens:)
Okay, my next card is for todays Inspiration Challenge (IC159) over on SCS! I was inspired by the colors in this photo:

**Hijacking my own blog post, skip ahead to ignore me, it won't hurt my feelings cause I won't know:)**
Okay, wanna here the story? So we all know that my husband is deployed so I'm alone for Christmas? Well, my friends TOTALLY frickin left me out of the Christmas party they're having on Christmas Eve because there is ONE couple there I don't really feel comfortable around. It's not that I don't like them, just feel awkward and weird around them. You know that couple, the really LOUD guy who just thinks he's the funniest dude on earth and doesn't let you get a word in edge-wise so you just kinda sit there and can't wait to go home? Yeah, so I told my friend, "You know, just because I don't really like that couple, doesn't mean I wouldn't have appreciated being invited to someone's house on CHRISTMAS EVE so I DON'T HAVE TO BE ALONE! I mean, SERIOUSLY! So she was like, "Oh I didn't think you'd come" and STILL never invited me! Not that I would have gone after that, but damn. I mean really. So I don't have any IRL friends I feel like sending a sweet card to lately, lol!
Sorry, that came out of nowhere but I'm really upset about it and don't have my honey hear to lean on so I just have to unload on you poor, unsuspecting cyber friends:D
**Back to the card, lol!**
I used, obviously, Bali Breeze dp on my card and the cardstock I used is Pumpkin Pie, Purely Pomegranate, and Tempting Turqouise! I used three SU! stamps *that's right, I pulled out my neglected SU! stamps!* I used Stitched Exotics, Stitched bg, and Full of Life!! I added some stickles to the cut out flowers cause you know me and my obsession with Stickles:D Greatest stuff EVAH invented, EVAH!!!!!
Mmmkay, now that I've probably lost some loyal subscribers due to my ranting, I'll let you get back to your day, lmbo! Thanks for listening though, I feel better:)
Oh sweetie, if I were there you could totally spend both Christmas eve and Christmas day with us (but my kids would probably drive you bonkers...LOL!) Some people just don't think!!! ((((hugs))))
The cards are gorgeous!!! smiles....
Amber, your card is beautiful and I am so sorry about your friends. I know what it's like to be alone during the Holidays- it totally sucks. I am sure friend didn't mean anything by it- but geesh! {{{HUGS}}}
Okay...I am personally inviting you to my house! I'm only a long plane ride away!
LOVE the cards! Both are bright and cheery!
Oh so sorry to hear about your friends oversight. That's just not cool! Big hugs to you!
Your artwork is completely adorable! I feel ya about the party thing. When my husband was deployed people wouldn't invite me to things because they didn't want me to feel bad or miss him more. Ummm...yeah...that is when I needed my friends and the socializing most! I guess if people haven't been through it before they don't get it. You can come to our party on Tuesday! :o)
I'm sorry hun! But your cards are beautiful! I love your cuppacakeabella!
Awwww . . . I totally feel for you, Amber! I'd invite you to my party, if I was having one. Hehehe Know that your pretend computer friends still love you, love your work, and appreciate you!! Merry Christmas, Amber!!
Awwww . . . I totally feel for you, Amber! I'd invite you to my party, if I was having one. Hehehe Know that your pretend computer friends still love you, love your work, and appreciate you!! Merry Christmas, Amber!!
Two gorgeous cards Amber, the inspiration challenge card's colors are just over the top awesome!!
Great cards. Lots of wonderful color and great embellishments.
So sorry to hear about the party issue. Just remember that God Loves you and is always with you.
Plus you have your "Cyber" friends too. Have a wonderful Christmas and drop by my blog for some snowy pictures since you probably don't have any there in Florida.
Oh hon!! I'm so sorry they failed to invite you. Wish there was some way to fix it and make it better. Tell ya what - there's lots of us older ladies who are alone all the time - why not get together with us and have a cyber party....wont even have to worry about a designated drive. ((((hugs))))) Elaine M
Hey hun, I just wnated to let you know that us Cyber friends love you more than you can know. I can't imagine feeling how you do right now!!! I hope you know that I will be thinking about you on Christmas!!! *hugs*
WoW! I know that really hurt you! Amazing how "friends" can do that sometimes! Praying you feel wrapped in love and know you are not alone! I'm grateful for your husband's willingness to sacrifice for us all! Merry Christmas and consider yourself hugged! :)
Boo Amber- you should have stayed here with us!! WE would have totally had some sort of fun, (and drinks of course also!)
sorry that happened, and rant to us all ya like!
Hi Amber. Your card is very pretty!
Sorry your sweetie won't be back in time for the holidays. So many folks don't realize what we military families go through. At least your puppies can cuddle up to their Mommy! I need to get a puppy before my sweetie deploys...
Wish you were in Georgia, you could come here!
Sending you lot of HUGS!
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