Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Skipping Stones Blog Hop!

Welcome to the Skipping Stones Design Blop Hop sponsored by Skipping Stones Design. Angela was sweet enough to extend an invitation to the Splitcoast DD/DDA to participate in this month's hop and after I saw her ADORABLE stamps I signed up! If you've just happened upon my blog, you can CLICK HERE to start from the beginning at Skipping Stones Design. You should have arrived here from Sweet Latisha's blog!
I got to play with the NEW, NOT-YET-RELEASED set called "Coffee Vol. 1" and it is SO CUTE and totally ME! Seriously, this is what I look like in the morning, lmbo!

Isn't she so cute? I colored her with Prismacolor pencils and Gamsol! I stamped the large coffee cup in versamark on the card base but it's kinda hard to see it in the picture:( I love the sentiment! It's my motto, lol!

Well I'm sorry I don't have more to share with this fun set, but I just got it in the mail today and I have strep throat so I'm not feeling very mojo-rific right now;)
Okay! Off you go to Peggy's Blog for your next round of eye candy! Along the way, the Skipping Stones Design Team will have blog candy for you to enter. As an added bonus, there will also be 4 stamp sets (new stamp sets not yet released) hidden along the hop, but we’re not telling you where so be sure to leave some love as you hop!!! Make sure you leave comments on every post so you have a chance to win!! The winners will be announced on Friday January 8th at Skipping Stones Design.

Along with all THAT, the Skipping Stones team sent me "Blocks and Borders-Swirls " to give away as blog candy today! So leave a comment here and tell me what your favorite SSD stamp set is and I'll draw a name on Friday for the lucky recipient!
Coffee Vol 1 Supplies:
Stamps: Coffee Vol 1 (Skipping Stones Designs)
Paper: White, Spring Moss, Dark Chocolate, Turning a New leaf dp (PTI)
Ink: Versamark, Rich Cocoa (Momento), Prismacolor pencils, Copics
Accessories: Spring Moss ribbon, button, twine (PTI), Edge Punch (Fiskars)


corinna said...

OH, OH, OH you used the new ss!!! OHHH I am so loving this set! I look like that too in the morning! :-)) hee hee Off I go....hop, hop, hop!

corinna said...

oops, forgot to say that the NEW coffee set IS my favorite set now...although when the donut set comes out....i'll be at a favorite tie...hee hee

Sammye Jo said...

I am in love with the Bras sets! They crack me up!!! Thanks for sharing! Have a great day from one "stamping scrapbooker" to another ;)

Sammye Jo

Deb said...

HaHaHa! I'm here still on my first cup...LOVE this, and ain't it the truth!? Love your coloring and shading. Great card!

Amanda D. said...

I love, love, love the colors you chose for this card - they work so well together and the overall design is fabulous! Your card is as yummy as that first cup of coffee in the morning! :)

Angela Thomas said...

This is fabulous!!!! Absolutely amazing!!! Love the color combo!

I'm glad your sets arrived on time and that you were able to participate in the blog hop with us!! Thank you!

Cindy O'Donnell said...

Not only is this coffee set one of my favorite stamp sets, but the colors you chose are fabulous! I am going to have to try this combo on my next card!

Stacey said...

I LOVE this set!
I want it BADLY!!!
Your card is beautiful! LOVE the colors!!

Anonymous said...

Cute card...Mine's a toss up on the favorite seet. I like the coffee set but also like the Chic Margarita stamp set too!

Brandi said...

Love your card! It's me in the mornings too! :P

Karen B said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Karen B said...

We are all addicted to coffee aren't we. Isn't that how we can stay up all night making cards. I love the bra set. It is so funny.

Holly aka Toy said...

Bahaha!! Her hair looks like mine! I so need that sentiment.. heck, I need it tattoo'd on my forehead!

StampinCathy said...

This is one awesome and inspiring card. I would have to say that the Coffee Vol is my favorite so far. I think I can relate to it...way to much. LOl

Lea L. said...

This is too cute!! I just love the sentiment! Great job!


Christi said...

Amber this is so cute! I have never seen this company before so I had to go take a look. That bra set is so darn cute!! smiles....

A-M said...

Wow - green and brown together!! How adorable!! Love it!

Jeri said...

What a motto to live by. Gotta have that caffeine. Hope you're feeling better and on the road to recovery.

Mama mia said...

I loved your card. Boy did I feel like this this morning. I really don't know what my favorite SSD is. I just heard about them and I've loved everyone I've seen so far. I especially love the butterfly one and all of the borders. I'm actually new in the stamping world so this is lots of fun. Thanks for the inspiration.

PamSpradlin said...

Hope you are feeling better soon. You could send yourself your card to make you feel a little bit better.

Anonymous said...

Yay I love this set! This lady cracks me up and you've done her beautifully! Thanks for being in the hop and showing off this gorgeous stamp set! :)

Anonymous said...

OOOOhhhhh! Love this card. The image is so fun. Love the layout also. Great job!

Jo said...

love the card & am seriously thinking I need this coffee stampset

Sparkplug17 said...

So cute and soooooo me, lol.

Unknown said...

love the card and quote! so very true for most of use!

Unknown said...

I've never seen this stamp set before! I love it! It's too funny. If I don't get my daily coke, I probably look like that. I still think my favorite stamps are the bra and cupcake sets, ooohhh, and the chocolate bonbon set, but this just jumped up on my list!

Viji Siddharth said...

Lovely card!Hope you feel better soon!TFS!

Rosalee said...

Great Card. Love the sentiment too.
Fits perfectly with coffee drinkers.
Thanks for the fun hop
Hugs, Rosalee

Sally Watkins said...

I like Funny about men! Thanks for sharing. Hope you feel better.

Lisa Petrella said...

Fantastic card!! Great color combo! And I love that image and sentiment!!! So perfect!! I can totally relate!!!!

Laura Cox {aka scrapaddict} said...

This card is so cute....love that saying! Hope your feeling better soon!

Cassie said...

Isn't that sentiment the truth, haha! Love your card, and I hope you feel better soon ;D

Unknown said...

My favorite set is You Know your gettin old. Love your card!

Danni said...

Oh that sentiment is awesome!! Fantastic card!

Pat said...

I am loving each and every one of the new stamp sets. So many decisions in life...

maiahs_momma said...

LOVE the coffee set, and your card :)!

inky hugs,

Unknown said...

Your card is great! I think I am loving the bra sets the most!

B said...

Haha, that's adorable! Great coloring!

Joyce M said...

Wow, that's how I looked when I got up this morning too - and my sentiment exactly. Love it!

Yvonne Russell said...

This is definitely a "real life" card... great card and sentiment.

Handmade Creations by Stephanie said...

This is so cute Amber!!!

Unknown said...

I love your card. It looks like me every morning!!!!

**Hopping along**


Candy M said...

What a great card! Love that stamp set! :)


a Seeker of the TRUTH said...

Love your card and so far I think its got to be Healing wings. but there are so many nice sets to choose from

happy crafting

X Julie

connie said...

I love your card! It is so cute. My favorite so far is the cupcake set. Hope you feel better soon.

Cher said...

ok u guys must know me cuz that is SOOOOOOOO TRUE! gotta have me coffee! hmmm..my fav...the bras...but...this one is great too! I dont have any of these so I will not be fussy! just pick me lol...make my day! heck, my year! ty for sharing and gl to all!

kc_froglady said...

how fun with the bright colors and the funky dots and the bottom. Love it!

Camishel said...

Haha I think I look like that in the morning too without my coffee..I am torn between my favorite sets I love so many of them...the bra sets and the donut sets right now are what I would go with!

Big Mamma~ a.k.a. Mary S said...

Do I have to choose between the donuts and the bras.. don't they go hand & hand.. lol.

and btw.. who the heck said they could make a card of me in the morning.. HAHA..
Your card is great.

Big MaMMA gotta keep hoppin

skippy stamps said...

I totally LOVE this card!!! I am so sorry the stamps barely made it to you in time...they probably got snowed in at our Post Office during the blizzard;0) I sure hope you feel better soon. Thanks for offering such an inspitational stop along the hop! Fee better soon!

lavendarrose29 said...

that card is cute. I love the hair

Emma's Mom said...

This coffee set is the greatest! I love it! I, too, look like that in the morning...scary! Hope you are feeling better soon - I think your mojo was just fine!

PEA said...

adorable card. yes, that set fits me to a "T". My family will tell you fill in the hair in red and that would be me.
Thanks for joining the fun.

Kim Teasdale said...

Bwahahaha! This set cracks me up everytime I see it! I love your wonderful shades of green and little miss bead head totally makes me smile! So fabulous and yet so very true! Love it!!!


Laurie Marmon said...

cute card. great for a coffee lover! thanks for sharing.

nkm said...

I am lovin the margarita ones..my favs...liken your coffee too!!!

Rufus said...

You poor thing, hope you're feeling much, much better soon. Still did a great job with the card, though!

Rufus said...

Dang, I forgot to tell you my fav. I'm thinking it's gonna be the new donut set, but for now it's gotta be the bra set!

Regina said...

Oh, your card is fantastic! I love that stamp set, it's great!

kathy s said...

i'm a bit worried- has someone been spying on me to draw me so acurately in my morning get up- its scary- and the sentiment is down pat too- who is out there watching me ???? seriously though love your stamp and this whole set.

Peggy said...

Love the crazy card. I hate it when my hair looks like that every morning, noon & night. I personally don't drink coffee so I guess I get my caffeine from CHOCOLATE. God bless!

Theresa Dagostino Forge said...

I have not yet used one of these stamp sets, but the one with the bras is cracking me up. They are all so nice

Debbie Fisher (debbiedee) said...

What a fun card! This would be perfect for so many of my friends. Ü

I love the sewing set I got to play with and love so many of them. I think I need to get the donut set next.

Cindy said...

I am new to the stamping world, so I don't know that I have a favorite yet. I love this blog hop so I can see lots of variety. Maybe I will win and this will be my favorite "first" stamp!!!! I do love the donuts I keep seeing. They are fun.

Jean Cross said...

The fuzzy bunny slipper and the color scheme make me smile. Thanks for a great start to the day!

Shannon Roberts said...

great! I must have this set as well as the bra set; and maybe the cocktail one?? UGH!! I can't decide!

Unknown said...

Hi Amber! I love your cards, and again, I have always love your Style. Love that image, it looks a lot like me in the mornings LOL!

Krissy said...

how do you choose just one! there are so many great sets to choose from! I love the sentiments on so many. Love love love the bra sets and the coffee set

gotta hop!

Kay D said...

Love your card- I see we have the same hairdo in the mornings. Hope you feel better soon!

Amanda said...

Love the colors you chose for this card and your coloring is FANTASTIC!!! You ROCK! Thanks for sharing your talents!!!

Anonymous said...

Coffee Vol.I .. I cannot wait to get my hands on you!!! I have a bonafide coffee addiction. LOVE THESE STAMPS, and the green and brown is great color combo!

Debbie C. said...

Your card is too cute...how many of us can relate to looking like that some mornings. I love the bra stamps...the cards made with them are hilarious

jengd said...

Wonderful card! Great colors!

Hollyk said...

beautiful card.

Arianne said...

Love you card!
The stamps are all awesome!

Gloria Westerman said...

I love the bra set myself, but you know all of them are the cutest thing to have...love it....

Barb Turpin said...

Such a cute set...and thanks for pointing out the coffee cup, I can totally see it now!

CreativeMish said...

What an awesome stamp! I love it! Very cute card and I love the color combo!

Stephanie Gruss said...

I'm in love with your card and the funny bras set! :) I'd just like to have any of them!

Jocelyn said...

You used my favorite set! I am totally loving these coffee stamps!!! Great card and colors!

T said...

Love the green and brown..love the polka dots..love that step set but most of all I love what you did with all of it...

dawnmercedes said...

Oooh...I totally LOVE those slippers on her feet! hehe

Lee - grandmalee said...

I just adore your card! I didn't notice the bunny slippers before, but you made me look! Love your different shapes! Funny Bras Vol 1 is my #1 favorite all the way!

Christian Cropper said...

So far my favorite stamp set is the donuts. They make me so hungry.

juli (sweetpz) said...

awww, hope you get better soon!
for sure this pic is my sister.. hehe
i have yet to try any SSD stamps... so i don't have a favorite, though i've seen lots of butterflies........

Julie Marshall said...

Love this set...that's me every morning...hee hee! TFS.

Holly said...

That card is so me! Love it! Thanks for the chance to win.

Ramona said...

Too cute! :-)


weze said...

I think I own those same slippers LOL!

weze said...

I love the coffee set of stamps!

Vicki Wizniuk said...

OMGoodness, that is soooo me in the morning! Awesome!

Liz Williams said...

Thanks for helping me get acquainted with this new company. This blog hop has been so fun and what cute and adorable images. Love this cute card!!

Viji Siddharth said...

Oh Oh! I forgot to add my fav SSD set!! So far it is everything..just can't pin point one! Everything is soooo cute!

Amy Sheffer said...

Amber, this card is awesome! (And soooooo ME!) Love the color combo and your fab coloring!

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