Hello! It's Monday again, boo! It's all good, I'm sure we're all going to have a fabulous Monday, right? I know I am because I'm OUT-PROCESSING! That's right, 3 more days till I'm out of the Air Force. It's bitter sweet, but mostly sweet;) 11 years though, it's a long time and I loved every single minute serving in the Air Force. At least my hubby is still in for another 5 years or so, so I still get to be involved in the best branch there is, w00t!;)
Okay okay, sorry for that, got sidetracked!;) I bet you're hear because it's
Mystery Monday, right? I LOVE Mystery Monday's because we get to CASE the most awesome ladies around, the TGF groupies!;) This week we're featuring
Peggy McCurry! This lady can STAMP! And COLOR! And MAKE CARDS! Bwahaha! Check out the card we're CASE'ing this week:
So fun right? I love the bright orange! I didn't go orange though, I went with richer colors *although I do see orange in my future!*
Here's mine...
I used the new
Beanie Anya, don't you love her? She is so sweet! I also used my new Webster's Pages papers, I forgot which line, but it's the Christmas one...
I colored
Beanie in with Copics to match the dp. I've been playing around with shading alot lately, I really admire the ladies who can shade and it looks so life like and real! I'm practicing so hopefully I'll get the hang of it;) I do love my Copics! I'm trying to figure out how to bring all 300 some Copics on the airplane with me this weekend, bwahaha!
Speaking of which, here are the colors I used on Anya today...
Hop on over to the
CA&F Blog for eye candy from the DT ladies, challenge details, and to play along with us! It's a fun one *they all are, lol!* Enjoy your Monday:)
~Hugs, Amber
**Special Announcement!!!**

"The Greeting Farm will be HOPPIN' into the Holidays featuring our December release! Please join us on TUESDAY, NOV. 30th at 7pm CST on the TGF Blog for an ALL-CUSTOMER and DT blog hop, featuring HOLIDAY cards that use TGF stamps! The DT will be premiering some December releases, there will be prizes, chit chat on our PCP page from 7pm CST to 8pm CST, and the winner of our Ugly Sweater Inspired contest will also be announced!
Prizes will be awarded in the following categories:
"Let it Snow" (use snow in creative ways on your card)
"Santa, Baby" (cute Santa-inspired cards)
and "It's a Wrap" (creative ways to use gift wrap on a card)
You may enter one, two, or all 3 categories, but must create a separate entry for each category and you MUST USE TGF STAMPS!
What's more? There are even MORE ways to win! You do not have to create for one of the three challenges, unless you WANT TO, because in addition, ONE lucky hopper WHO PARTICIPATES in the Blog Hop will receive the ENTIRE DECEMBER RELEASE just for making it through the hop and commenting. In addition, another lucky NON-participant will also win this prize.
More information will be released as the weeks move on, but to sign up, you need to email Jessica at yeahshestamps at gmail dot com NO LATER than TUESDAY, November 24th-NO exceptions, sorry. With the holidays approaching and lots of family in from out of town, Jess will need the list by then at the latest.
PLEASE put "TGF HOLIDAY HOP" as your subject line-this is very important! We can't wait to hop into the holidays with all of our friends on the Farm!"