Christy and I really are friends, lol! We've known eachother for over a year now and still hadn't had any pictures together! So my mom snapped this one of us a couple nights ago! Note Christy's awesome Grumpy pj pants, love them! She was going to photo shop them out of this picture but luckily she changed her mind, they're cute:)
So we have been doing LOTS of shopping lately! AND EATING! OMG! I feel like such a cow but we have to take one for the team since we don't have all these yummy restaraunts at home in Oki. I think Quizno's is on the menu for tonite, after we hit the big mall in SeaTac! We went to teh Tacoma mall last night and poor Christy pushed me in the wheel chair all through the mall, what a great friend, huh?:) We saw some Twilight tshirts at Hot Topic but they were a little more money than we were wanting to spend so we're gonna keep lookin!
My ankle is starting to heal up cause it itches every once in awhile. It doesn't really hurt too much during teh day unless I've been standing up for too long. The blood finds a way to pool in my ankle and then my foot feels like its going to explode, fund stuff, eh?:) Sorry if that's TMI but I thought since you're all my friends you'd like to share in the pain, bwahaha! I still have to take medicine at night but usually only take one or two during the day so that should tell you how much better I'm doing! Before, I was taking 2 every 4 hours ON THE DOT! Seriously, I'd watch the clock and wait for it to be four hours so I could take more, lol:) That explains why I slept so much the first few days!
Well hopefully ya'll are having a great Friday! Check in the
Verve Forums because they're having a release party on Sunday night and the release on Monday, 6 new sets that are SO FAB! I'm so jealous I can't join in on the fun, my poor Verve stamps are lonely and sitting in the PO waiting for me to come back home! I am going through some serious withdrawals! You can also check out the
Verve blog for Sneak Peaks every day until the release! If you're feelin sketchy, Julee is having another fun Sketch Blitz in the forum,
Have a great afternoon:)